Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Learning Objectives 5

Learning Objectives 5

Q #1: Carnegie identifies nine (9) suggestions for getting the most out of this book. List all nine and indicate how you plan to or have implemented them.#2: Explain how developing an appreciation for the other person's point of view is the most important lesson Carnegie identifies as one of the most important building blocks for YOUR career.#3: List and explain the six (6) ways to make people like you and why it is important as a leader/manager.

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Appreciation is needed in order to be efficient in own career. The core idea of Carnegie is that an individual can change the behavior of people just by changing own behavior (Carnegie, 1936). Carnegie’s concept also states that in order to appreciate the other person’s point of view one must understand the need of improving the relationship as well. This influence can be improved through leadership in a proper manner.